Parallel Programming

OpenMPI Dijkstra

Dijkstra’s algorithm is undoubtedly the most famous algorithm for solving the Single-Source Shortest Path (SSSP) problem with weighted graphs. The problem formulation is as follows: given a graph G = (V, E), we want to find a shortest path from a given vertex s ∈ V to each vertex v ∈ V. In other words, we want to identify all minimum costs simple paths between the source and all other vertices. This problem holds significant real-world relevance, finding application across various sectors, for instance in navigation systems, to help users navigate efficiently between two locations, or in routing protocols, to determine the best path for data packets to travel through a network. Efficiently addressing the Single-Source Shortest Path (SSSP) problem is vital, and the application of parallel computing has the potential to provide valuable assistance in this regard.







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Approach for Parallelization

Before discussing the parallel implementation, it's important to highlight that the sequential algorithm in use is not optimized to its fullest potential. Specifically, the implemented O(n2)O(n^2) version 1, contrasts with the more efficient O(nlogn)O(n\log n) version employing a heap-based priority queue. This choice was made for two reasons:

  • dependency from external sources. The aim was to avoid relying on any external dependencies apart from OpenMPI, and the prospect of implementing a min-heap was firmly ruled out.
  • ease of parallelization.

Dijkstra's algorithm is inherently sequential since at each pass it chooses greedily the next vertex based on the following theorem 1:

Assume that the cost LiL_i of the shortest paths from ss to each vertex ii belonging to a given set SVS\in V with sSs\in S(Ls=0L_s=0) is known and let

(v,h)=argmin{Li+cij:(i,j)δ+(S)} (v,h)=\arg\min\{L_i+c_{ij}:(i,j)\in \delta^+(S)\}

If cij0,(i,j)Ac_{ij}\ge 0, \forall (i,j)\in A then Lv+cvhL_v+c_{vh} is the cost of the shortest path from ss to hh.

The consequence of this theorem is that fully parallelizing Dijkstra is not possible, since we want to find the shortest distance for all vertices in the graph. The only way to parallelize is to assign a number of vertices to each processor and in each processor compute the distance from the source.

First let's discuss the data division between processors. Let nn be the number of vertices, so the adjacency matrix is n×nn\times n, and pp be the number of processors. If nn is divisible by pp then n/pn/p vertices can be assigned to a processor: vertex pp has vertices [(pn/p),(pn/p+n/p)][(p\cdot n/p), (p\cdot n/p + n/p)]. In terms of the adjacency matrix, it corresponds to assigning n/pn/p columns to each processor.

To achieve this behaviour in MPI, Scatter is the perfect candidate since each processor receives the same amount of columns, but custom MPI datatypes are needed to make the scatter work. The types are two:

  • send type, which defines a column of the adjacency matrix. It is achieved with a MPI Vector type with count=ncount=n, which is the number of values in a column, and stride=nstride=n, since each value of a column is placed at distance nn from the previous one thanks to contiguous memory allocation. The create_resized is needed to tell MPI where to find the next column, which is one value after the current column.
  • receive type, follows the same logic as the send type but with stride=n/pstride=n/p Now from each processor we can access the data as a normal matrix, being careful that the number of columns is n/pn/p.

The outer loop of the Dijkstra subroutine maintains the same number of executions, what changes is the inside loops since each processor has fewer nodes. Each processor finds the non-visited node closer to the source, sends it to the other processors and computes the minimum of all nodes sent by the processors. This behaviour is achieved by an Allreduce with MINLOC MPI operation, which works in pairs of values: it finds the minimum value in the former and reports it along with the value that was paired with it.

Now every processor has the minimum vertex, so mark it as visited if it belongs to the processor. Subsequently, update all minimum paths and record the predecessor. Finally, since each processor holds n/pn/p elements both for minimum paths and predecessors, a simple Gather suffices to get the full results.


The datasets were generated through a Python script utilizing the networkx library to produce an Erdós-Rényi random graph, employing two specified parameters as in the documentation:

  • nn, number of nodes
  • pp, probability for edge creation This allowed for two tests: the first fixing pp for the scalability on number of nodes, the second, fixing nn, to test whether the number of edges exiting a node affects runtime. All runs have been executed in the Capri platform 2.

Scalability on nn

For the first experiment, pp is fixed to 0.50.5 and the results in Table \ref{tab:1st-runtimes} with different sizes are obtained.

n file name time sequential time 2 processors time 5 processors time 10 processors
100 random05.txt 0.000170 0.000471 0.000814 0.001706
500 random04.txt 0.003735 0.006348 0.005087 0.007381
1000 random06.txt 0.015361 0.024530 0.017180 0.018987
2000 random07.txt 0.057728 0.087999 0.061480 0.060349
5000 random08.txt 0.425093 0.567382 0.349344 0.293054
7500 random09.txt 0.943866 1.570785 0.831178 0.711831

As we can see in the table, the speed-up tends to increase as the number of processors and size of the graph increases. It is interesting to note the fact that with 22 processors the algorithm performs always worst than the sequential algorithm. In all other cases, the speed-up tells us that the use of more processors slightly improves the run-time compared to the sequential algorithm, but not of a factor of pp as the aim was. To better understand the cause of this results, let's analyze the Computing over Communication ratio in the following table with n=100n=100.

processors 2 5 10
communication total 0,000219 0,00059 0,000516
execution 0,000263 0,000901 0,00113
total time 0,000482 0,001491 0,001646
ratio 54,56% 60,43% 68,65%

For simplicity, the execution time also includes the Allreduce operation inside the Dijkstra subroutine. The algorithm spends at least 31% of the time on the distribution of the data between processors and the final gathering, but what mainly goes up is the execution time, due to the Allreduce since the dataset is the same for all the runs. It is interesting to note that the run with the best speed-up has a Computing-over-Communication ratio of 18,43%.

Constant n, different p

Fixing n=5000 and varying p, the following results are obtained.

p filename time sequential time 2 processors time 5 processors time 10 processors
0.1 random10.txt 0.214774 0.503825 0.314247 0.268701
0.3 random11.txt 0.288822 0.539787 0.319813 0.260734
0.5 random08.txt 0.425093 0.567382 0.349344 0.293054
0.7 random12.txt 0.365197 0.616920 0.360916 0.270841
0.9 random13.txt 0.261535 0.631541 0.363818 0.283388
1 random14.txt 0.214215 0.660333 0.378930 0.286056

In this experiment, it is interesting to observe the behaviour of the run-time as the probability of an edge being created increases. The expected behaviour is that the runtime increases when the probability, and consequently the number of edges exiting from a node, increases. The runs somewhat follows the theoretical assumption, excluding the run with p=0.5p=0.5 and 10 processors which is an outlier. A possible explanation for the outlier is that the execution with p=0.5p=0.5 took place at a distinct time from the other runs, suggesting the possibility that Capri experienced higher congestion during that specific timeframe. The hypothesis proved true since another run executed in a much better time of 0,2511420,251142 seconds.