Select Connection: INPUT[inlineListSuggester(optionQuery(#permanent_note), optionQuery(#literature_note), optionQuery(#fleeting_note)):connections]


It’s common to see progress as linear. To progress, you need to climb. each step one by one and get closer to the top. But that’s not the only model you can apply to visualize personal growth

In a linear model, there are people below and above yourself. It seems to offer a clear path to success, but the reality is much different. In a circular model, nobody is more advanced and everyone competes only with himself. There is no predefined direction so it can be more daunting, but it can also be more rewarding.

There is no clear winning end goal so you need to fall in love with the process. It also forces you to learn how to learn by designing feedback mechanisms that will allow to continuously improve.

The standard method, called single loop learning, is not enough. We also need to sometimes change the method and question the overarching goal. The better alternative is the double loop learning, which is more complex and dynamic, taking into account external factors and adjusting mental models. It can be harder to implement because of:

  • natural need for control
  • fear of failure
  • overall resistance to change