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The term curse of dimensionality was introduced in 1961 by Bellman. Nowadays it is a general term related to high dimensional data, spanning in different domains like machine learning, data mining and obviously the k Nearest Neighbor problem. In this context, it refers to the exponential dependency on the number of dimensions for space and time. One of the reasons for this dependency is related to the distance concentration, a phenomenon where in high dimensions the distances between all pairs of points have almost the same value. Studies on the distance metrics which are used to measure similarity between objects have been made, focusing particularly on the functional defined as:

which is a norm for and a quasinorm for since it violates the triangle inequality. Specifically on the quasinorms, a paper @aggarwalSurprisingBehaviorDistance2001 allegedly proved that using lower values of , specifically fractional, helped to differentiate better the farthest and nearest distance of the points to the origin and thus reducing the distance concentration. Recently though it has been disproven @mirkesFractionalNormsQuasinorms2020, the results obtained in the first paper were deducted from a too small sample, so they are not statistically relevant and further it proved that smaller distance concentration does not mean better accuracy.