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Reference Types

“immutable” means “non-exclusive”. Actually non-mutable references can mutate with a process called “interior mutability”, which happens when working with threads.

The better naming would be shared reference and exclusive reference.

Beginners view

A function that takes an argument by immutable reference is allowed to read the data behind the reference:

struct Point {
    x: u32,
    y: u32,
fn print_point(pt: &Point) {
    println!("x={} y={}", pt.x, pt.y);

but it is not allowed to mutate the data:

// gives error
fn embiggen_x(pt: &Point) {
    pt.x = pt.x * 2;

Where it falls apart

&T is not an “immutable reference” or “const reference” to data of type T — it is a “shared reference”. And &mut T is not a “mutable reference” — it is an “exclusive reference”.

Exclusive reference: no other reference to the same value could possibly exist at the same time.

Shared reference: other references to the same value might exist, on other threads or the caller’s stack frame on the current thread.

In some cases, like Interior mutability, shared references (&T) may mutate.

Interior mutability

Interior mutability is the mutation through a shared reference.

The std library UnsafeCell<T> is the only way to hold data that is mutable through a shared reference. This should not be used directly, there are abstractions over this type for different use cases, in particular:

Cellsingle threaded and cannot obtain a reference to the content
RefCellsingle threaded and dynamically checked borrow rules will prevent attempts to mutate while a reader is holding a reference into the content
Mutexonly one of the references may operate on the inner type at a time; other accesses will block until the current one has release its lock
RwLockonly one of the references may be used to mutate the type at a time, and only while no other references are being used for reading
